Don't Hate On My Hustle!

So, I did something this weekend. I was a Dasher for Doordash, a food delivery service. If you know me you would know for whatever reason I like being busy. I signed up with the company a long time ago but never did anything with it. I got an alert on my phone that they were having a pay bonus in my town. My husband did not want me to do it, my family laughed and thought I was being silly, but all I was thinking about was easy money. Did I need to work as a Dasher, no, but I was pleased to make three hundred dollars in two hours. I’m not sure if I will do it again, but who knows.

I’m sure some people will judge that I was delivering food, but while I was making money what were they doing? The point of this post was to remind others not to hate on someone else’s hustle. I have plans and goals and if I have free time then what better way to spend it than making some extra cash. There are so many people in the world who are truly trying to grow. I think it is so important to support each other when we are all busting our asses. I truly believe hard work pays off, and those who work hard are often rewarded.

My last post was about taking time for yourself. That time can be used however you want to. If you are doing something that doesn’t make you happy, doesn’t challenge you, or isn’t helping you grow then you are wasting your time. It’s okay to waste your time on a Netflix binge here and there but imagine what else you could invest your time in. If I am not being productive I begin to worry, and my anxiety takes over. A way I have been fighting off my anxiety is staying busy. Before I would let it take over and I would end up a complete mess. Now, I have been jumping on my Peloton and doing a class. I can already feel my mindset shifting with these little changes. I challenge you this week to replace 30 mins a day from being on your phone, or TV, and instead do something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. I intend to write more about altering your mindset, but this is definitely a key to the formula.

Sabrie Villegas