My Dreams Came True!

Sorry for my absence, life has been a whirlwind lately. I feel like I have minimal time for myself, but yet I keep taking on more. I took a big jump and I quit my job in social work. It’s been almost five years and well honestly I was just tired working at a place where I did not feel cared abou. I was putting in all my time and effort, for literally just a paycheck. It was scary to leave my job. I felt so fortunate to even have the opportunity to work, because they took me in when I was only 19, a kid. I got a ton of life experience working in the field of social work, and ultimately I did they best while I was there and I feel like I really impacted some people’s lives.

I love helping and advocating for others, that is why I always wanted to be a lawyer. When I was getting my undergrad the plan was I go to law school, but I got too focused on my toxic relationship at the time and my plans did not go the way I had prepared. Little did I know that after becoming a mom and wife, I would get the urge to want to bring back my old dream. While working I started a master’s program, but it wasn’t fulfilling and I wanted to do more. Obviously, I decided to start studying for the LSAT and apply to law school. I was so motivated, focused, and really determined. I would work all day, tend to the family, and then study all night. I really thought I would continue at my job while waiting to get into law school, but new opportunities fell into my lap.

I launched a company in the middle of all the other things I was doing. Little did I know that a company in the logistics field could grow so fast. I’m finally my own boss and I get to grow a company that has the potential for exponential growth, but then things got complicated. I got into law school!!!!! My dream was coming true. I could be a lawyer, a prosecutor, who knows there were so many ideas popping into my head. I was so proud of myself that all my hard work was paying off. But then, I thought about this company I was growing. This company that I wanted to take to the moon. What was a girl to do? Honestly, I still don’t know. I’m stuck between two amazing opportunities. I’m not convinced on either or, but I do know that working hard and pushing yourself pays off.

I didn’t write this post to brag, but remind others to not give up on chasing your dreams. Doesn’t matter if you are working an 8-5 and have a full house at home. You can do it, you can make the time for yourself. For a while I did not think I had time for anything else, but then I realized when I stopped scrolling on my phone there was so much I could do. This blog reminds me of who I am. After having kids it’s easy to fall into just being a mom. I am a mom, but I am so much more. Right now the hat I wear changes daily. I am going to push this blog, and I will be back posting every week. Reaching out to others is so important to me and even if this blog lends an inch of support to someone it is worth it.