This Week Has Been Shit!
This week’s blog was hard for me to come up with. I started a couple of drafts but nothing really flowed out the way I wanted it to. I was hoping by today my brain would be filled with inspiration, but that has not happened. This week and especially today has been very shitty. I started this blog to be authentic with this audience, so it doesn’t feel right to try and fake the positivity.
Today, this week, has been bullshit. Work has been a mess, yanno one of those days where anything that could go wrong does in fact go wrong. Yes, I love being my own boss and trying to figure out this new business venture but it is definitely not coming easy. I haven’t worked out all week, haven’t ate healthy, in fact I have not done any of the things I intended to do. I seriously do not want to touch another piece of laundry or I may lose it. My house isn’t as tidy as it should be and I’ve lacked on grocery shopping so the fridge is empty. I could of gave my kids more attention this week, even my husband. The past few days are not days I would choose to relive. There is something good coming out of today though, it’s Friday and the work week is over. Maybe I’ll get done with what I need this weekend but no promises.I made it to the weekend, got my work crap done, and we all survived.
I’m venting and ranting, but I’m reminding you guys that I do not have my shit together. More importantly I’’m reminding you that every day does not have to be a great day. Every day, you may not show up to be your absolute best, but hey most likely you are showing up. A lot of people burn themselves out because they wanna throw 100% every day for 30 days and then the motivation dies. My secret is I use 1% every day for 365 days. Okay, some days I give it a little more but I allow myself to slack or fall behind. Does falling behind trigger my anxiety, absolutely! BUT, when I have a bad day or a bad week, I take it as just a small fraction of the big picture and I keep moving forward.
Maybe you are heartbroken, overwhelmed, tired, or maybe you life just includes a ton of bullshit. That bullshit is a small fraction of your life. If you feel uncomfortable right now, that is good. Because to understand the feeling of being comfortable, means you know what it means to feel uncomfortable. There may have been a day you could not afford a meal but that doesn’t mean there won’t be a day you can’t provide a feast. Are you hungry? Hungry, to do better or be better? Than, it’s normal to have shitty days because you’ll come to appreciate those days.
So, I meant to publish this post on Friday, but it’s Sunday and now I’m realizing I never did so. The weekend flies by. I still have laundry I need to get out of the dryer, my kids didn’t want to eat dinner and now they don’t want to sleep. Tomorrow a new week starts and I’m hoping it will be a better week. There are still so many things to do, but here’s to me drinking coffee at 9:00 PM in hopes I cram a few things before the morning. Things may be hard, but it does not mean they stay hard.