Hello There
I have been a little absent. Life has been crazy and busy, but that is really not an excuse. I created this platform to share my voice, share my struggles, and share support to others. This little blog has become an outlet to me, so thank you for joining in. I am under a microscope and I have never felt so judged in my life, but that must mean I am doing something right. Since I haven’t been posting as much as I planned on I figured I would give y’all an update on my life. I’m about to hit a year post partum and wow what a journey it has been.
Launching this logistics business has been great and every week things are picking up. I was getting overwhelmed for a bit, but now I have been able to hire an employee and it has helped significantly. I never intended to fall into logistics, but it’s pretty interesting and I’ve learned a lot. Being your own boss is pretty great but you definitely feel the pressure even more to succeed. I have some bigger business news and I can’t wait to share it with you all. It is something that I’m planning to announce just not quite, but just know big plans are brewing.
I have decided to put off law school until next year. In my heart I would love to be a lawyer, but right now I have so many other ventures going on I really feel it is important to put my focus in on these things. The world needs more lawyers, especially women, and even more so we need more minorities in the field. I still plan to pursue law school, but just not right now. Don’t hold me to it though plans are always changing.
Motherhood with two under two has been challenging, but it has been the greatest challenge of all. My kids are growing faster than I can keep up with and it is oh so bittersweet. The mom guilt is oh so real and balancing being a working mom but doing all for my kids makes me feel like I’m bending over backwards. I will always try to spread myself thing for my kids, and although the days are long and sometimes the nights are even longer I keep working to figure it out.
Coparenting, a new buzz word amongst the world, but really this is a word that plays such a huge role in my life. Communication has gotten better, well as good as one can expect. When you’re going through custody battles it seems like every day is just another day leading up to a court date. It is not fun at all and I don’t recommend it to anyone, but that’s a big segment of my life right now. It’s really hard and I often feel like I’m walking on eggshells. Custody court seems like a boxing match, one side taking a blow at the other. Then you have spectators who get to decide their opinion of the “match.” Unlike a boxing match though, there is never a winner or a draw, and it seems like both sides feel just as tired at the end. It’s been a true test to my life and my marriage, but I will always support my husband when it comes to the rights he wants in regard to his daughter.
Speaking about marriage, my three year anniversary is right around the corner. It feels as if I haven’t even been married that long but also feels like I’ve known Martin my whole life. We jumped right into marriage and kids and although our honeymoon stage was short lived it has made our relationship so strong. I feel like there have been many obstacles in my marriage, but Martin is such a good husband, even though it has not been easy he has made these challenges easier to get through. Marriage really is a commitment you make every day and I’ve realized how much effort it can take. Some days I have to show up for my husband and other days he does the same for me.
I started this blog to show up for other moms, women, or just people of the internet in general. I wanted a platform to offer support, because I often found myself looking for that same type of thing. This blog is not to bash or talk negatively of anyone. I am sharing my experiences and solely based on my own perspective. This blog is a journey for me. A journey of me working towards letting go of things I cannot control, a journey of my life, and just my journey getting through the day to day. Thank you for being here and listening to me. I hope you find something useful from these post whether it relates to you or just entertains you. I will get back on to my schedule of posting weekly and thankful for being patient as I navigate this all.